Moving Forward in Compassion

2020 has proven to be a pivotal year, testing our resolve and capacity to be in community and care for each other in ways we never dreamed of just a few short months ago. These last couple months have been a marathon. I don’t know about you, but I look ahead and road continues to stretch on with no real goal post in sight. We are experiencing the anxiety and loneliness of social distancing. Individuals and groups of people are increasingly frustrated and resisting public health measures. People are continuing to sicken. We witness violence and for most of us, we are witnessing and participating in the greatest civil rights event of our lives.

I often get overwhelmed by the enormity of the needs in my community. Children of school age are aware enough to also feel the distress in their community. There are lots of resources available for adults to take concrete actions. But kids need concrete direction too. Our own Dr. Kami Stilwell has made a video to talk directly to kids about encountering injustice in our community.

Here is the Healthy Children resource Dr. Stilwell references in her video.