The Preschool Promise

Last November, Multnomah County voted in Measure 26-214, also known as the Preschool-For-All measure. All families in Multnomah County are eligible to apply, with the first available slots being prioritized to those families with the least access to preschool enrollment. There is a lot of infrastructure to build, but Early Learning Multnomah is seeking out the voices of Multnomah’s families to guide and direct their work. They are holding monthly Parent Accountability Meetings, if you’d like to attend, just follow the link.
Don’t live in Multnomah County? The entire Tri-County region (Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties) are participating in a program called “The Preschool Promise.” This provides tuition-free preschool for income-eligible families. Additional information about this program can be found in the attached flyer below.