Staying Safe in Extreme Heat

Most of us Oregonians aren’t used to extreme heat, especially when it hits for multiple days. Fortunately we have many tips to help your family stay safe this weekend!

- Keep your kids drinking! In this weather it’s okay to pull out all the stops and offer drinks you would normally limit such as juice or sports drinks.
- Popsicles! These not only are refreshing when it’s hot, they’re also a great way to stay hydrated. I always keeps Pedialyte popsicles in my freezer for illnesses and hot days (I love them too!).
- Infants should be offered breastmilk or formula more often. Young infants don’t need extra water, as these fluids provide both nutrition and hydration. If your baby is old enough to eat solids, then go ahead and offer frequent sips of water in a cup.
- Our children with special needs may not tell us they are thirsty. Set a timer to remind yourself to offer them drinks regularly on hot days.
- Keeps kids in loose, light clothing.
- This applies to babies too. In fact, if your house is really warm, you may just want to keep your baby in a diaper.
- A cool wash cloth on the skin feels great and helps the skin dissipate heat.
- Try to get up early and get outside for some energy-burning play in the morning.
- If you have to be outside later in the day, limit the time outside, take frequent shade breaks, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
- If your athlete is playing this weekend, gear up with sports drinks, and take frequent rest and hydration breaks.
Find even more tips at KidsHealth!
Watch for these symptoms of Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke. Muscle cramping may be the first sign, so pay attention if your child is complaining of pain. Heat Stroke is a medical emergency and requires immediate care.

The Oregon Health Authority has more information about preventing heat-related illness, including a heat FAQ and First Aid information.
Portland General Electric has tips for keeping your house cool and how to prepare for possible power outages.
Multnomah County has opened up multiple emergency cooling centers, and can provide transportation if needed. Call 211.
And as always, if you have questions or concerns, give us a call!