Dental Health for Heart Health
Welcome to American Heart Month! Much of the focus around being heart healthy is centered around adults, but healthy habits and lifestyles start right away! One important habit to establish early is good oral hygiene. Gum disease has been linked with increased risk of heart disease and is a great example of how establishing health habits in our youth can have lasting impacts on their health in the future. And it’s not just setting up healthy habits! Cavities in baby teeth can impact the health of the permanent teeth.
Have you taken your child to the dentist and found problem areas in their oral health? Dr. Lanre Falusi has some tips for you in this short video sponsored by Healthy Children. Want more information? You can read Healthy Children’s article on dental health and hygiene and find additional links tooth-brushing, fluoride, and tooth decay in babies.
Pregnant and curious about how your oral health can impact your baby? HealthyChildren is hosting a Webex event called “Brushing for Two: How to Keep Your Baby’s Teeth Healthy From the Start.” Don’t have time to joint the event? Don’t worry, you can read this article too.