Answering Your Back-to-School Health Questions: Medications, Records and More

portland pediatricians

As our families prepare for the new school year, the pediatricians at East Portland Pediatrics Clinic want to make sure that you all are as happy, healthy and stress-free as possible. To help you streamline your back-to-school to-dos, we’ve put together this short list of health-related questions and tips so that you can take care of them as quickly and easily as possible for this school year.

Need your child’s immunization records?

If you’re providing your school with updated immunization records for your child(ren), not to worry! As EPPC patients, you can access them at any time through our patient portal. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to contact our office at 503-255-3544. We’re here to help however we can.

Does your child take any medications at school?

If so, then you’ll need to complete a medication form for your child’s school. This applies to prescription and over-the-counter medications, any medication the school will give your child, as well as any medications you want your older child to carry with them. Any prescription medications at school will need the pharmacy label, so be sure to keep that handy.

Time to refill any medication for your child?

If so, be sure to check in with your pharmacy to make sure refills are available. If not, let us know as soon as possible so that we can send in a new prescription. This is especially important if your child is managing asthma or ADHD. Note: If you can’t find the spacer for your child’s asthma inhaler, let us know so we can send in a new prescription for it. While ADHD medication shortages should start to ease soon, be sure to double check that your pharmacy has it in stock before sending in a refill request.

Need a medication check?

Are you up-to-date on medication checks? If not, now is a good time to dial in your child’s medications and dosages.

How else can you prepare for school?

While it’s totally normal for routines to change over the summer, now is a good time to get back to your school year routine. You can start by talking with your child about what your routines and schedules will look like, especially if they’re changing schools. Then, before the new school year begins, you can help your child adjust to an earlier bedtime and a nutritious breakfast every morning. Studies show that kids who get enough sleep and eat a healthy breakfast do better in school.

We’re here to help

Back-to-school is an exciting (and sometimes stressful) time of the year. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there’s anything we can do to help smooth this transition for you and your child, be sure to let us know.